Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  File3110
Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  File3110
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 Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
اامدير العام
اامدير العام

عدد المساهمات : 1812
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2011

Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941    Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2012 1:29 am

Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941
Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  97183656845860407161

Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  14542471844294652649

اقتباس :
Media Player Classic HomeCinema x86/x64 comfortable in all plans for the Media player. It is based on a classical Player Media Player Classic, and has its own integrated set of Media codecs, and can play many formats of video / audio files without installing third-party tools. This Player has a number of different functionalities: it can play DVD discs, is able to decode H.264 format popular on the latest generation graphics cards can work correctly with the second monitor (TV), supports various kinds of subtitles can work with QuickTime and RealVideo etc. The Player is small and completely understandable, and not overloaded with unnecessary functions of the interface translated into 14 languages. It is completely compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista, and not only 32 - bit version, but the 64-bit.

This project is based on the original "Media Player Classic" and was created after Gabest, the original author, stopped working on it. Several new features have been integrated in this player,

such as:
* Option to remove Tearing.
* Better support for Windows Vista and 7, including a release for 64 bits platform.
* Full ICC color management
* Support for EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer)
* Usage of Toolbar images
* Supports Subtitles.
* Playback and recording of television if a supported TV tuner is installed.
* Creation of minidump when MPC HC crashes.
* OSD (On Screen Display)
* Support Multi-Monitor configuration
* Pixel shader to convert BT601 - BT701
* YV12 Chroma Upsampling pixel shader
* Language Translations.
* All features from the Guliverkli MPC Project from Gabest

Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  161419022
Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941  FileServe

X32 :
X64 :
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Media Player Classic HomeCinema v1.5.3.3941
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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