iCare data recovery   File3110
iCare data recovery   File3110
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 iCare data recovery

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 192
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/12/2011

iCare data recovery   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: iCare data recovery    iCare data recovery   Emptyالخميس يناير 05, 2012 12:28 am

iCare data recovery

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iCare data recovery   14542471844294652649

iCare data recovery – a program to recover deleted and formatted files from hard drives, sd cards,
memory cards and USB Flash drives. It helps you to recover files from unreadable disk partition, if
damaged boot sector or a virus attack.
The program includes 4 Restore Wizard:
• “Partition Recovery” to recover deleted partition
• “Deleted File Recovery” to recover deleted files, files from damaged partitions or corrupted boot
sector, etc.
• “Deep Scan Recovery” for scanning and searching of both existing and deleted files that can be
• “Format Recovery” to restore files from oftormtirovannyh hard drives, external drives, sd cards, USB
Flash Drives
Data loss won’t be your headache! As a comprehensive data recovery solution, icare data recovery can
easily recover files from wrong formatted drives, unexpectedly file deletion, raw drive or raw
filesystem, virus attack, partition deleted, software crash etc. It can recover any deleted files like
photos, ********s, mp3, outlook file, presentations, and it also works with any type of storage media
like hard drive, removable hard drive, digital cameral sd card, usb drives, ipod, memory card etc.
“iCare data recovery Software combines simplicity of use with the most powerful file recovery software
engine, which can search and find files&photos missed by other recovery software, together with a
unique capability of “on-the-fly” data preview while the search is being conducted.”
iCare data recovery Software
• Reformatted partition, memory card, camera card by accident?
• Corrupted MBR and cannot find your partition or USB not detected?
• Accidentally deleted partition?
• Drive became RAW?
• SHIFT+DELETE and need file recovery?
• Recover files from dynamic disk
• data loss without a reason, Need recovery software?
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iCare data recovery   FileServe

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iCare data recovery
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