(13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا ) File3110
(13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا ) File3110
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 (13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا )

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 192
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/12/2011

(13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا ) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: (13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا )   (13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا ) Emptyالأربعاء مارس 07, 2012 10:05 am

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

السيرفرات تشغل الجزيرة الرياضبة لمشاهدة مباريات اليوم ( دوري ابطال اوروبا )
يرجى استعمال أكثر من سيرفر لضمان مشاهدة بدون تقطعات

بيانات السرفر...................

Host: cstalking.no-ip.biz
deskey: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
username= milan1 to milan1000
Password: cstalking.com


7001 @ art 7W

7002 @ jsc irdito caid:0627

7003 @ jsc viaccess caid:0500

7004 @ skyit

7005 @ cyfra


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

PORT: 3001 - CAID: 0604 ART / NOVA
PORT: 3002 - CAID: 0500 JSC Sport
PORT: 3003 - CAID: 0627 JSC SPORT
PORT: 3005 - CAID: 0100 CYFRA+
port 7000 7009

USER : ozil-1 ==> ozil-1000
PASS : satarabia.com


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: CLVEO-1 ---> CLVEO-10000
PASS: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
port: 10 - CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
port: 40 - CAID : 0100 Digital +
port: 30 - CAID : 0500 SRG SWISS


HOST : newcbelaz.malware-site.www
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

PORT : 1600 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E) / CAID : 0500
PORT : 5502 CANALSAT (19E) / CAID : 0500
PORT : 5505 BIS TV / CAID : 0500
PORT : 5506 SRG SWISS (13E) / CAID : 0500
PORT : 5508 CYFRA+ (13E) / CAID : 0100
PORT : 5512 ART (7w) / CAID : 0604
PORT : 5580 ALMAJD (26E)

USER : song1 --> song100

PASS : satna.biz


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : free.star7-dz.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: milan اليوزر اكتب اي شيء بعد
PASS: star7arab.com
port: 25000 JSC Sports


Host: midani1.no-ip.biz

DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

The ports:

14000:jsc sport

Username: cstalking1 Password: Z14b07
Username: cstalking2 Password: GGBB3l
Username: cstalking3 Password: 79rQc5
Username: cstalking4 Password: M5q9D4
Username: cstalking5 Password: 988XSS
Username: cstalking6 Password: 4b07J0
Username: cstalking7 Password: BB3l6Q
Username: cstalking8 Password: RQc51O
Username: cstalking9 Password: 8GjzEu
Username: cstalking10 Password: 3E99bc
Username: cstalking11 Password: Ud2H0s
Username: cstalking12 Password: Kso70q
Username: cstalking13 Password: J1v62q
Username: cstalking14 Password: JzEu5Y
Username: cstalking15 Password: 99bcf0
Username: cstalking16 Password: 2H0sNm
Username: cstalking17 Password: I3uk1G
Username: cstalking18 Password: 2P7800
Username: cstalking19 Password: Yo0S9d
Username: cstalking20 Password: Vwz69C
Username: cstalking21 Password: 5954Bb
Username: cstalking22 Password: Uk1GSJ
Username: cstalking23 Password: 7800R9
Username: cstalking24 Password: HZs83E
Username: cstalking25 Password: 5PT6NE
Username: cstalking26 Password: NN6IEl
Username: cstalking27 Password: 79ZQ21
Username: cstalking28 Password: 5u8GKA
Username: cstalking29 Password: S83E99
Username: cstalking30 Password: T6NE25
Username: cstalking31 Password: 6IElP7
Username: cstalking32 Password: ZQ2176
Username: cstalking33 Password: 3N3g81
Username: cstalking34 Password: L8G4C7
Username: cstalking35 Password: Uk7OBz
Username: cstalking36 Password: L4v363
Username: cstalking37 Password: 7iDCqx
Username: cstalking38 Password: 3g81OF
Username: cstalking39 Password: G4C70V
Username: cstalking40 Password: 7OBz0m
Username: cstalking41 Password: V363c4
Username: cstalking42 Password: 7J83Ah
Username: cstalking43 Password: 4669Zx
Username: cstalking44 Password: 6q5C4P
Username: cstalking45 Password: H5U516
Username: cstalking46 Password: P8JA92
Username: cstalking47 Password: 83AhL4
Username: cstalking48 Password: 69ZxL8
Username: cstalking49 Password: 5C4Pa3
Username: cstalking50 Password: U516R9


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: os2010gony-1 --->os2010gony-1000
PASS: satna.biz
PORT: 100 - CAID: 0500 JSC Sports
PORT: 1000 - CAID: 0500 CanalSat
PORT: 1010 - CAID: 0604 nova,ART
PORT: 2010 - CAID: 0100 Cyfra+


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : sat4nile.malware-site.www
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : ChampionS1 –> ChampionS250
PASS : sat4nile.com
PORT : 1000 - CAID : 0604 Nova,ART
PORT : 1001 - CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 1002 - CAID : 0500 HRT ,CASAT,SRG Swiss,TNT Sat
PORT : 1003 - CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ ,Orbit ,all Seca
PORT : 1004 - CAID : 093B SKY Italia
PORT : 1005 - CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
PORT : 1006 - CAID : 1702 Sky Deutschland
PORT : 1007 - CAID : 0963 SKY UK
PORT : 1008 - CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 1011 - CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 1013 - CAID : 0500 CanalSat
PORT : 1014 - CAID : 0500 BIS TV ,Game One
PORT : 1015 - CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 1018 - CAID : 1810 Digital+
PORT : 1020 - CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 1023 - CAID : 0D08 0D08 AlMajd


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.com
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : espn1 --> espn1000
PASS : [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
PORT : 200 – CAID : 0500 jsc sport
PORT : 201 – CAID : 0500 BIS TV
PORT : 202 - CAID : 0100 CanalSat/Canal+


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
HOST : satarabia.myftp.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : frns1 --> frns100
PASS : satarabia.com
PORT: 6001 - CAID: 0604 Nova,ART
PORT: 6002 - CAID: 0100 CYFRA+
PORT: 6003 - CAID: 0500 JSC Sports


Host : luxarab.no-ip.org
Des Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
PORT : 301 - CAID : 0604 ART/NOVA
PORT : 302 - CAID : 0500 CANALSAT
PORT : 303 - CAID : 0500 JSC SPORT
PORT : 313 - CAID : 0500 Biss TV

Username: R79Z2D Password: arb-lux.com
Username: DZgK47 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 88732e Password: arb-lux.com
Username: BFVzQC Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Z55QYB Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 8XoBA0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 47363c Password: arb-lux.com
Username: JDc3xt Password: arb-lux.com
Username: H91ofs Password: arb-lux.com
Username: T1W9h9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 0n9z9U Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Qu2Pf3 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 127f0q Password: arb-lux.com
Username: AmE322 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Il5854 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: YMLGN7 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: P13EVI Password: arb-lux.com
Username: W392LP Password: arb-lux.com
Username: QD11o7 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: GKTeV0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: X49VcZ Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Q15GFs Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 8B707h Password: arb-lux.com
Username: NB0vc8 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: F25mkX Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 9518ae Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Fs3339 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Vz6Uk2 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: NI18So Password: arb-lux.com
Username: F8J6u6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Nj92l7 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Dq2LL0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: U4wCA9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: N7q0VZ Password: arb-lux.com
Username: VI55t1 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: LP8jT4 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: C88AhE Password: arb-lux.com
Username: V088Dx Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 2Z5814 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 34SNN2 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: W63d6o Password: arb-lux.com
Username: W842ko Password: arb-lux.com
Username: KX17J3 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: GjzEu5 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: E99bcf Password: arb-lux.com
Username: D2H0sN Password: arb-lux.com
Username: So70q6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: NI5ccF Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 925T8E Password: arb-lux.com
Username: L013AE Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 4Z388f Password: arb-lux.com
Username: VZP5K7 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: T11R3V Password: arb-lux.com
Username: F3i151 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: NQ9cs7 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: DxXSS0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: B47izm Password: arb-lux.com
Username: B2352t Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6o5006 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Ko3Jz9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: J33zhk Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6699xS Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 2f0369 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: SN9hh2 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 2hY711 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: C8GJrV Password: arb-lux.com
Username: KX622d Password: arb-lux.com
Username: AE5yP1 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 844b7m Password: arb-lux.com
Username: K7n0Z9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 35pt2O Password: arb-lux.com
Username: UoO17e Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 47093d Password: arb-lux.com
Username: S069Hk Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 998L8f Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Cfo0qD Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 0O6391 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 9YPC01 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 574J4d Password: arb-lux.com
Username: J7w3yU Password: arb-lux.com
Username: B92Pg4 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: H2k0wA Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 1ONa06 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: R6EpG8 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6QX407 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Z922oC Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Hk47G3 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: XL8fm6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 092I5T Password: arb-lux.com
Username: H285wA Password: arb-lux.com
Username: PC01n6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Rve2gl Password: arb-lux.com
Username: I38g1k Password: arb-lux.com
Username: P544Er Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 7f6y6T Password: arb-lux.com
Username: ZmM5Hj Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Q14xWi Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 73m6R6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 3dcQ18 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: HL5FP0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 8ff629 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: RWU594 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 9V2571 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 01n66l Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 4dn928 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: RuCy5k Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 44Xr3M Password: arb-lux.com
Username: B4v02c Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 0V6881 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 9Y1i06 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 07FJ9d Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 73DY8B Password: arb-lux.com
Username: UyP1s9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 5WwA69 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 16mH5b Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 257b43 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 1ww9A2 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 1NeY28 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 79uy1T Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 844A07 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 7Oe36V Password: arb-lux.com
Username: V89C8O Password: arb-lux.com
Username: D717id Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 4XN36U Password: arb-lux.com
Username: D99uCF Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 2154Sm Password: arb-lux.com
Username: L0waQu Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Nh5CC8 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: L25sjw Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 8513z2 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Fr2878 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6y1Tj6 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: T0OKru Password: arb-lux.com
Username: E3I6t5 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 91k17i Password: arb-lux.com
Username: OJi72Z Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 03658Y Password: arb-lux.com
Username: YuCF03 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 544f3A Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Waj6lx Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6J2l47 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 5sjw66 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 1r9d9Y Password: arb-lux.com
Username: E3RMT1 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6T7600 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 1Kru25 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 7ihV52 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 81870S Password: arb-lux.com
Username: B7dzHd Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 6Ul878 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: Q4bfo0 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: ErRM41 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 214Y7J Password: arb-lux.com
Username: JFmJ81 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 33222k Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 47G36n Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 8fm6Q9 Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 2i5tSf Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 85w07V Password: arb-lux.com
Username: 01077l Password: arb-lux.com


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : bbalserver.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : vid1 --> vid100
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 1600 -CAID : 0500 JSC Sport
PORT : 5502 CAID : 0500 CANALSAT
PORT : 5505 -CAID : 0500 BIS TV
PORT : 5506 -CAID : 0500 SRG SWISS
PORT : 5508 -CAID : 0100 CYFRA+
PORT : 5512 -CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 5580 -ALMAJD (26E)


PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : newcbelaz.malware-site.www
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : fran1 --> fran100
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 1600 - CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 5508 - CAID : 0500 CYFRA+
PORT : 5502 - CAID : 0500 CANALSAT
PORT : 5512 - CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 5506 - CAID : 0500 SRG SWISS
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
(13) سيرفر Newcamd لسهرة اليوم 07-03-2012 الجزيرة الرياضية ( دوري ابطال اوروبا )
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
»  سيرفر سسكام لقنوات الجزيرة الرياضية مدمج
» سيرفر الجزيرة الرياضية والبيس والارتى 9-3-2012
» سيرفر نيوكـــامد للجزيرة الرياضية لمشاهدة مباريات اليوم 10/072012
» سيرفر الجزيرة الرياضية رقم واحد
» سيرفر سسكام لقنوات الجزيرة الرياضية

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 :: تايم ستار الشيرنج و الأيبي :: قسم سيرفرات الـــ Newcamd المجانية-
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